Are You Ready to Shift into a Better State - Without Leaving Beautiful Sarasota?

Healing is More YOU! Retreat

February 22 & 23

Stress is the silent thief that drains the life and dims the light within...

We're not ta lking about the common stresses we all face every day. Emotional stress is invisible - like a mild form of shock. It puts you on autopilot - able to function in survival mode. It's impossible to know how much you're in stress until you're out of it. Even then it's only relative to what it was before. 

You've got to get to the energetic and emotional root of stress...

The quickest way to get to there is through an experiential immersion in energetic tools and techniques. You don't do it through talk therapy or mental exercises. Being able to let it all go in a safe, supportive environment is essential. 

Healing is not "fixing." Healing is more you.

What is healing? Have you ever really pondered this question? Or do you jump into action, ready to get this “fixed” so you can get on with… what? Life? Or the endless little tasks that seem to fill it?

Healing is not fixing. Sure, you want the pain to go away, the shoulder to loosen up, the stomach to settle down… but your body isn’t a car. Why treat it like one? 

Where is the best place for healing to happen? Where more of you can be expressed. Or to put it another way, where fewer things can keep you from being you. To see the stars in the night sky, get away from the city lights. To share a special moment with your beloved, go where outside cares are muted and you can just be together. 

The most intimate relationship you have is with you. The more you are present with you, the more “you” is present - the more healing happens. Healing is more you.

Healing is fractal. As you expand, that creates space for others around you to do the same. Relationships are restored. Families come together. Friendships grow. Life gets larger. 

To intentionally create this, the ideal setting is an immersive retreat. A serene spot away from the noise of the modern world. From duties and obligations, surrounded by others of like mind and supportive energy. Perhaps most of all, where the tyranny of the time clock is taken away. 

It’s basic physics. Reduce the external pressure and internal contractions and an object will expand. When you expand, there’s more you. The healing has begun. Maybe it will only be a few hours or days until you are right back in the fray. Hopefully rested, renewed and reinvigorated. Ideally enlarged by new insights and understandings that allow you to better handle the stresses of the so called, “real world.”

This larger you will face a different world when you return. How different will depend on you. They say you can never go home again, and this is why. Silly, inconsequential things won’t seem so important. You’ll have more resilience, becoming more cause and less effect. 

It’s not a linear process. Things may well come up that you hadn’t seen or didn’t want to see about yourself. Unpleasant, even painful ones. This is a necessary and essential part of the journey. What may have felt too big to confront before has shrunk relative to the larger you. It’s not so enormous after all. It’s just static taking up space that rightfully belongs to you. 

This is the healing journey. The retreat can kick start it and give you momentum to carry on with the process. It never ends. As you expand, the inessential and unessential things become less important. You find more places of rest and retreat, more often, even if only for a moment. The cumulative effects are incalculable.

The Immersion Experience

The Immersion Retreat will take place in downtown Sarasota at the beautiful AWAREHOUSE. It will run from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, February 22 & 23. There will be a lunch break each day and optional dinner out on Saturday evening.     

The therapies provided will feature SolaraGem Crystal Fusion Lights used along with PEMF, Vibro-acoustic sound therapy pillows and beds, and Biocharger.  

Day one will consist of bathing in light, sound and frequencies. These will begin to dissolve energetic blockages and release trapped energies that have served their purpose and need to go on their way.

Day two features a unique and powerful Assemblage Point shift. This brings the energy body back into realignment, and helps to restore one’s connection to the Higher Self, or divine blueprint. This is done in a safe and gentle way, prepared by the work done on day one. 

After seeing and experiencing this process, you will begin to understand the mysteries of the healing journey. It’s hiding in plain sight, but invisible when approached through the linear mind. 

You will leave the weekend with a shift in how you see yourself, and a knowing that you can return to greater levels of health and wellbeing. You’ll better understand why healing is more you.

Are you ready to make the shift? Join us for only $195

Why such a low price? We’re asking you to try a different approach than what’s typical. Chances are you have tried some of the tools we’ll be using. But most likely in a limited time, one off session. They’re great, but can be so much more in this immersive setting.

Imagine this: Your anniversary dinner - your favorite meal, best wine, a dozen roses - on TV trays with the Packers game on the big screen. Just wrong in so many ways. Right?

Is it possible you’re doing “healing” the same way? Rush in, rush out, on to the next thing…

Here’s your chance to find out.

Full disclosure - some of the attendees are coming to learn how to use the SolaraGems in this type of setting. They’ll be participating and experiencing everything along with you. They also bring their own special healing modalities and gifts along with them. This adds a unique touch to each of these events. 

We’ve hosted these immersion retreats all over the country, with just the SolaraGems, and gotten incredible results. But with all the resources available at the AwareHouse and our own gifted and talented Debbie Mullins we thought, why not make it even better and open it up to more folks?

Here’s an unsolicited testimonial I received in an email a few days after an immersion retreat in Orlando two years ago, from a lady in her early 70’s. She almost didn’t come as she was concerned about making the 20 minute drive home because her energy would often drop during the day.

After all that's gone on in the past year, are you ready for a reset? No need to leave Sarasota at the best time of the year.  Now you can have the best of both at our two day downtown mini retreat.

Rest your mind, immerse your soul and let the stress melt away. All while sleeping in your own bed and seamlessly resuming your life refreshed and renewed.

By the way, all during this past week I kept noticing several times a day that I felt amazingly well.  I think that the sessions we did and the Assemblage Point process have started to bring about a change in my health.  I just keep getting this feeling of not just being ok but actually being super energized and having a great sense of wellbeing.  I don’t feel this all day long but the good feelings keep bursting through to the surface and it gives me hope for the future.

Event Location:  AWAREHOUSE, 2170 Main Street   Sarasota, Florida

Time: 10AM to 5PM each day.  Accommodations can be made if you need to miss part of this time.

Cost: $195 if paid by February 14th.  $245 after that date. $300 at the door.  NOTE: Rebate for this cost will be given towards purchase of two or more SolaraGems during the event.

Space is Limited. Reserve your spot now!

Please fill out the registration form below.  We ask for your phone number for logistical purposes.  Registration may be canceled up to February 14th. After that date, amount paid can be applied as credit towards SolaraGem purchase or future event.

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