(404) 482-1968

How It Works

SolaraGem is not designed to "fix" or "heal" anyone. It's designed to assist in relaxing, balancing, and/or stimulating as needed. It's a fusion of elements that have long established and well known properties that positively impact us at all levels - mind, body, spiritual/energetic, emotional.

How does sunlight"work?" How about color? Gemstones and crystals? These are big and complex questions, which are not easy to answer. What we can see are the effects. Not only are they measurable, but easily observed, the more closely we look. 

We are amazing beings, operating at a level far beyond what we can begin to comprehend. Ancient wisdom from time immemorial has always understood this. The path to that wisdom is never one of looking for "the answer," but rather methodically removing what is not true. By eliminating false beliefs and contradictions, we move closer into alignment with the way things truly are. 

This is especially so when it comes to health and wellness. Our bodies are self-healing, and can only operate that way. No form of medicine could work if that wasn't the case. How could a doctor even stitch you up if your body didn't finish the job?

To achieve optimal health and wellbeing at any level, we must keep this simple fact plainly in mind. Our goal is to eliminate whatever hinders us from optimal performance. Toxins - physical, mental or emotional - impact us greatly. Stress shuts down our ability to function freely, leading to all sorts of issues. 

Crystals, light, and color have all been used in various forms for thousands of years because they produce a positive effect on us. Used properly, they help relax and de-stress, create balance and enhance how we function. They make it easier for our systems to do what they are made to do. It's like putting someone in a more supportive, encouraging environment. They are just going to perform better at whatever task they are given.

SolaraGem is not the first crystal fusion light device on the market, but has been designed to make these systems much more affordable.  Advances in technology have allowed us to incorporate an off-the-shelf light source and a wide range of readily available accessories while focusing our efforts on improvements in the crystal and color mixtures that form the heart of the system.

Rather than being required to make a large, expensive purchase up front, you are able to start at a much lower price point to begin getting the benefits of crystal fusion light right away, and can add on to your system as needed. 

Crystal fusion light is a combination of art and science, rather than a simple "paint-by-the-numbers" system.  It's designed to enhance your own awareness of how you feel and what affects you, rather than solely being dependent on outside sources. It's not meant to replace or substitute for your relationship with qualified practitioners and specialists, but as a support for your own wellness journey.

As you start out with one or two SolaraGem mixtures, you can begin to explore and learn about the ways that they can support you. Different crystal and color combinations relate to different aspects, and it's recommended that you add on enough to support your particular goals in the long run.  As you become more comfortable working with them, you will begin to understand your future requirements more clearly.

For general health and wellness, three or four is all you will need. More advanced challenges can require more. But you don't need to figure it out all at once. Just addressing stress, pain, and sleep with the Amethyst SolaraGem will have a huge impact on all areas of your life.  Adding Rose Quartz for emotional support and heart balance will add even more. 

There are more foundational mixtures that you may want to consider.  Emerald for cooling down acute pain, inflammation, burns and cuts.  Carnelian for boosting energy in the splenic system, triple warmer, and assisting with men's health.  Sapphire for emotional balance and stress.  Citrine for cleansing and detoxification.  Ruby for stimulating lymph, liver and areas with stuck energy.

Bear in mind that there are many more applications for each of these mixtures, and a wealth of books and resources on different ways to use gems and crystals. We'll share the ones we recommend as well.

But everything begins with mental and emotional balance, which is why we start with Amethyst. Then add Rose Quartz and/or Carnelian. Adding on is not replacing anything, but rather rounding out a bigger picture.  These  will also provide the most tangible experience which is important in building up confidence and awareness of what is happening. 

So if you are just starting out, our recommendations begin with Amethyst, then Rose Quartz and/or Carnelian. Together they are amazing, but if you want to begin with just one, start with Amethyst. We will help guide you through each step as it makes sense for you and your particular situation. 


SolaraGem and any information presented here is intended for strictly for educational use, entertainment, and personal exploration. No claims are made as to fitness or efficacy for any medical condition. All health related matters should be referred to the appropriate licensed practitioner.

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